
For Your Eyes, Mind, Soul

In Uncategorized on 2017/08/11 at 11:10 PM

Respected Followers:

Since a substantial number have signed up to follow after I had finished adding new ones, I would like you invite you to read any articles you have not read in:

TRUTH TO PONDER 1,113 articles posted
EARLY CHURCH FATHERS 973 articles posted
WHO GIVES A HOOT ABOUT YOU 860 articles posted.

I would have liked to continue but while my mind is willing, my hands refuse to cooperate.

You can access them by keying in:

Barbara Reagan, Ph.D. History
Retired Research Historian

Using Statistics provided by WordPress, the most views were for
Early Church Fathers & Truth to Ponder. Estimated total = 405,965 for all three blogs combined. There is no way to calculate those forwarded to family members and friend

Countries from which individuals accessed blogs:
48,269 USA
22,279 United Kingdom
2, 219 Canada
1,611 Philippines
1,545 Australia
1,233 India
498 Nigeria
497 Italy
427 Jamaica
320 Saudi Arabia

Over 200: South Africa, Kenya, Ireland, Indonesia, Rwanda, Panama

Over 100: Netherlands, Germany, Malaysia, Peru, Lithuania, France, Brazil,Taiwan, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Egypt, Ethiopia, Thailand, Barbados, United Arab Emirates

Less than 100: Lebanon, Czech Republic, Israel, South Korea, Belgium, Sri Lanka, Romania, Ghana, Hong Kong, Finland, Tanzania, Switzerland, Argentina, Mexico, Pakistan, Uganda, Russia, Greece, Colombia, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria, Denmark, Hong Kong, Turkey Ukraine, Portugal, Botswana, Serbia , Norway,Tanzania, Finland, Serbia, Cyprus

Less than 25: Ukraine, Singapore, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Malta, Ukraine, Portugal Croatia Latvia, Vietnam, Puerto Rico, Zambia, China, Chile, Qatar, Cameroon, Iceland, Antartica.

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